NEW!!! Pioniersplanters (Laurens Decoster, Bert Joostens & Sander Wallays) built 'Rue Liereman/ Organ Man Street’ @ Jardins de Métis, Grand-Métis, Québec, Canada More information

  1. The painter has a painter’s shoes, a pair of painter’s trousers, a painter’s T‑shirt, a painter’s hood­ed jumper.
  2. Live radio news… an egg farmer is inter­viewed. The painter smiles and paints these words under a fig­ure hang­ing on a moun­tain­side: EGG FARMER.
  3. The painter has no painter’s socks.
  4. The painter’s gar­den is a park.
  5. The painter has a bike on which a stor­age box is mounted.
  6. On good days, the painter eats cream cake, icing sug­ar on top.
  7. The painter — this may sur­prise you — nev­er goes for a walk in the park. He eats his sand­wich stand­ing up.
  8. The painter makes cof­fee once a day.
  9. One day, a vis­i­tor comes to the painter’s stu­dio. The vis­i­tor looks around and kind­ly asks if he can take a pic­ture. Feel free,” the painter replies. The vis­i­tor walks to the win­dow and takes a pic­ture of the park below.
  10. Sometimes the painter keeps radio words for later. 
